Scan of Square's art for Cid
Head Shot of Cid

Cid is a creation of Square Soft, and is a supporting character to the story line of the game Final Fantasy X. Though he never makes a direct appearance in Legendary Guardian or Braska's Journey, he is mentioned on several occasions because of his relationship to Braska and Braska’s wife.

Square does not give an official character description for Cid on their web site. However, after much investigation and research I have determined the following:

Male - Age 37 at the time of Braska's pilgrimage and 47 at game start. Cid is the leader of the Al Bhed - a tribe/race of individuals distinguished from others on Spira by their use of machina (or machines and weapons), their swirled iris eyes, and the fact that they do not follow the teachings of the Church of Yevon. During the game, Rikku mentions that Cid and Braska were close friends before the priest took off with Cid's sister. She also indicates that the rift between them that the event created was never repaired. Cid has a bitter hatred of Sin, is doggedly determined to keep other Summoners (including his niece, Yuna) from "sacrificing" themselves on a "fool pilgrimage." The man knows his technology and uses it to advantage when cornered. From guns and lasers to flying ships, Cid is the man you want on your side.

Cid has opinions on about just about everything and isn't afraid to share them. He's the leader of his people and acts like it - taking control of situations and making command decisions in a snap. He has, as far as is known, only two children...Rikku (who joins her cousin Yuna as a Guardian and is a central character in FFX) and Brother (who shows up at various plot points in the game, drives the Airship, and is a killer Blitz player). It is my opinion that Cid was sorry about the rift between he, his sister, and Braska. I think he came to his senses about the situation but never had the chance to apologize. His sister died, and then Braska made the decision to Journey. I feel that the fact that Sin, and the teachings of Yevon, took the two people he loved most is what drives Cid's hatred of both. The fact that the Church compounds the problem by picking on the Al Bhed race and keeping them ostracized doesn't help matters.